
Saturday 22 December 2018

Activity 3:Ice, Ice Baby Summer learning journey

every time you go online you leave a digital footprint. We need to be safe and respectful online I should only share personal information not private information.personal information is what i like and what i am interested in.I can have a positive digital footprint by making sure I don't tell anyone my full name,or where I live or my email address or phone number or my password or my age and birthday or where i go to school.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Kauri,
    Thanks for completing another activity! You are doing so well with this program!
    I really like your advise about how to be safe online and create a positive foot print. You hit the nail in the head! Everything you mentioned is really important and valid. I think is great that you guys are aware and conscious about how to be safe online, perhaps you can teach some adults out there?!! :0)
    For the future, I want you to think about being a bit more creative, for example for this post you could added your writing inside of the digital foot print image and use different colours as this would made your post more eye catching and fun for the readers.
    Nevertheless, this is a solid post! He pai!
    Kia kaha,
