The rocky shore is a habitat in the intertidal area most commonly along the coast of New Zealand. The rocky shore has many different zones there is the intertidal zone known as the littoral zone, Supratidal zone known as splash zone and subtidal. It is a magnificent area with lots of cool creatures contains plant life and harsh conditions for the organisms.
Splash zone
The splash zone is an area where there is no water but can still be wet the scientific name is supratidal. The splash zone only gets covered in water when it is king tides and during storms. Animals and plants that live in the zone, can stand the high temperatures from the sun causing them to die. Other times it can be sprayed by the waves breaking.
intertidal/ littoral zone
The intertidal zone or littoral zone is the sea bed between the highest and lowest limits of the tide. The intertidal zone is three zones high tide, middle zone and the low tide. The thing that live there can live in the sea and out of the sea in the rocky shore I will name them the carb and thew mussels. They can breathe out of water and in the water.
subtidal zone
The subtidal zone is directly under the intertidal zone and is under water. The subtidal zone is directly under the intertidal zone and is under water. The subtidal is a zone that is permanently covered with water and has many different life. It also is under the low tide mark this is much more stable then the intertidal zone. The organisms don’t dry up because it is cold in the water and is permanently covered with water.
The rocky shore is an intertidal habitat along the coast of new zealand but also in other places as well. The rocky shore has many different zones including intertidal, subtidal, supratidal and more zones. The rocky shore is a good place to study with extraordinary things.
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