Kia Ora welcome to my blog again hope you like my posts. My name is Kauri,i am a year 6 at Pt England school. My amazing teacher is Mr Goodwin, i am in room 7. because the teachers decided who they would choose. I enjoy to go to the beach and the pools to swim, because when i swim it is nice and cold when it is hot. I like to eat homemade food, because it’s a good experience for me and it is delicious. my Favorite set of movies are marvel movies. I play a soccer game on Tuesday, and soccer training on Sunday morning. On the weekend morning we play Xbox games. I have a one year old puppy named Mack, and a seventeen year old cat i have 11 brothers and two sisters.

Task Description:
For this task we were given a template from Mr Goodwin to write about ourselves for the about me section on our blog. We had to think about our different interests, hobbies, and information about ourselves in a way that was cybersmart.
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