
Monday 9 September 2019

pass the planed story

There was a boy and he young angry but strong. He was not kind. He went on planes everyday. He was so dumb because he never got an any grade higher f- so that is why he is so dumb. He was so fast as well because he was strong so his legs can move the fastest. He can push his

Then he crashed on an island and he went to the sand and he was so hungry that he started eating helplessly. He did a lot of egg farts and then he heard a weird noise and he got scared. He heard the weird noise louder and then he saw the boar and he ran and the boar was sniffing the fart. It was attracted to the fart and he was running so fast and leaving a fart trail. Then it was night and the boar was out in the wild and then he was farting running everywhere. He was so angry he stopped and the boar found him and and was charging and then the boar was pushing but the boy was holding back. Then he started running way and the boar was weak but was strong enough and the boy was running. He was eating the sand while he was running and then he was taking his time and he was farting. Then he thought it was a bad idea to get the boar’s attention. He found a really strong tree. Also a rock, the rock is sharp and he started to cut the tree down and it was easy because he was so strong. He had noticed the boar had found him but the boy started to throw rocks at it and it ran away. After that he started to make the raft and he made it and went to his home and lived angrily ever after.
Task Description: we had to get into a circle and pass the Chromebooks and the people chose our topics for example he was strong not smart not weak. but you could only choose one.

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