I am a Year 8 learner in room 4 at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. My teacher is Mrs Stone.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Talanoa project planning
Script & Planning:
Kauri, Austin & Toby:
Story:A warrior was banished to an island because he had broken the tribes rules. Living on an island in the South Pacific alone. Stranded on island cause waka is broken.Cutting wood for his fire. Uses a sharp rock with sharp pointed edges. Drops tool on the sand by accident. Hits something solid on the ground in the sand. Thinking it’s just another rock, he checks it over and discovers that its actually a golden nugget. Takes it home and decides what to do with it. Fixes his waka. Makes a distraction for deadly monsters and travels safely to the next island that is populated. Gifts it to the Chief in exchange for his freedom. A thousand years later, the golden nugget is showcased at the Auckland Museum.The End Voiceover: Toby: A warrior named Wiremu was banished from his tribe for breaking all the tribe’s rules, and because of this he was sent to the next island where the Taniwha and the tentacled monster lurked with their terrifying gaze. Kauri: This is where he lived for the past 2 years, here is Wiremu and this is his home! So one day he went out to cut the wood for his night fire, using a sharp rock with some sharp pointed bits and then he Accidentally dropped the rock and clang, he grabbed his hammer and banged the hammer then he saw something, glowing in the shadow he did it again just to make sure then he couldn't believe his eyes, a golden nugget. Toby: Then he went inside his house and decides what to do with it, after a few hours staring at the legendary thing, he finally decided what to do with it. Kauri: He fixes his Waka, stored some resources for the journey, and gets going! Toby: Once he had landed on the safe water he began his journey, but oh no he just remembered the tentacled monster and the… Taniwha! Kauri: He had a plan, it was to poke the tentacled monster in the face and shine his light beacon that he had crafted. Toby: After scaring and killing the beasts he had finally returned to his homeland, gifting the gold for his freedom! Kauri: The chief replied and said yes. 2456 years later it is in the Auckland museum as an Artifact. Kauri & Toby: The End Thanks For Watching! task description:we needed to finish off our work and this is our plan for the Talanoa project
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Saturday, 23 June 2018
Matariki writing
matariki day was fun i was in room 9 and room 10 i had year 1 to year 8 in my class. We had to get a buddy that was a lower year then us so i got jamane. And we had to draw a background on the hyperstudio so we can put us on. The way we are going to put are body on our background is take a picture of us in the blue screen area. and cut out all the blue and put it in the background and make us look at the stars.
fia fia writing
Our school was having fia fia the opening performance was senior kapa haka group. They had their outfit on the boys had some white plastic sticks and the girls had some poe poe. And they did two songs and a haka. And i was in choir and and my sister is in bollywood. and roman was in jump jam and toran was in little kapa haka and justice is in rock band. And the closing group was senior samoan group.
immersion assembly
The theme for this term is i like to move it!! we were doing are own theme so there was team 1, team 2, team 3, team 4 and team 5 so the first theme was team 1. team 1 teachers were doing their work and they finished at last. so they wanted to go to the beach so they were driving to the beach but on their way their there was a boulder. so mrs lal was thinking of crashing into the boulder but miss hockley thought that it was a bad idea. So miss hockley was thinking of pushing the boulder so all off the teachers were pushing the boulder.
And it didn't work so they were thinking of using a rope and pulling the boulder away but that did not work. So they thought of of getting a log and they put the log under the boulder and over the rock. And they all jumped on the log and the boulder flung off so they went to the beach. Than it was team two theme was when miss gaston was working on her work. and the other team 2 teachers were playing with the school race cart and than miss gaston told the teachers to do something else.
So mrs moran got in a trolley and mis tumahai pushed mrs moran and then miss gaston told them to do something else so mrs moran got a skateboard and fell when she went on it. And now it’s time for team three mr moran, miss parent, miss king and miss eadie. and they went to the playground they were playing and dancing and they were having fun. and mr moran went on the slide and slide down his tummy. And it was really funny.
And now it is time for team 4. team 4 was about redbull and of people making their own planes. And my teachers decided to make there own plane. They got a box a bear and some cardboard and some paper. And a plane flag and they put it all together.
And now it is time for team 5. Team 5s them is about Mr Moran and Miss Moran and other teachers were having a tug of war and Mr Moran’s team won. And then mr moran’s team had to wear scientist's glove’s. and the other team had grip gloves on and mr moran team lost. And then mr moran team had to have slippery stuff on there hands and mr moran and mr moran;s team lost.
Task Description
we had to finish are immersion assembly writing. and it was funny.
Friday, 22 June 2018
Thursday, 21 June 2018
voice over writing
We have been learning about forces and flight. thrust lift drag and gravity are the four forces of flight. Thrust is something that makes stuff move forward. lift is something that makes stuff go up. drag is something that pulls it back. and gravity is something that makes stuff go down.The plane is leaving the Auckland airport the plane had left. And now the plane is going over the grass and flowers. And now the plane is flying over the water and then over the more grass. And and now the plane going over the grass and flowers again. And now the plane was going to the U.K.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Today we posted our DLO on our blog and we were interviewing two people.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
water bucket narrative

Today we had to show what we can write when we have 40 minutes to write without talking to others we were able to work quietly to complete the task
Once upon a time there was a big water bucket and there were some animals thirsty. There were bees,birds,(one) rabbit,(one) donkey,rosters and a bull. They were all thirsty and the bees saw the water bucket. They were flying and they were really tired so they can’t fly fast. and everyone else saw the water bucket to so they were going there to but they were also tired so they walk slow. but they are faster than the bees.
They were walking the rabbit is faster than all of them because it hops. and the bees landed on the bull and the bull was speeding up. but the rabbit was in front of everybody the bees were getting a little bit more of the energy. And now they fly faster than all of them and they are in front of the rabbit. and the birds are speeding up and the birds are now at the rabbit. and they are slowing down the birds have now past the rabbit.
The bees are really speeding up and the birds are really fast so are the bees. and the bull is at the back they are all moving fast they are so fast. they are almost there the bees are there and drinking.
Once upon a time there was a big water bucket and there were some animals thirsty. There were bees,birds,(one) rabbit,(one) donkey,rosters and a bull. They were all thirsty and the bees saw the water bucket. They were flying and they were really tired so they can’t fly fast. and everyone else saw the water bucket to so they were going there to but they were also tired so they walk slow. but they are faster than the bees.
They were walking the rabbit is faster than all of them because it hops. and the bees landed on the bull and the bull was speeding up. but the rabbit was in front of everybody the bees were getting a little bit more of the energy. And now they fly faster than all of them and they are in front of the rabbit. and the birds are speeding up and the birds are now at the rabbit. and they are slowing down the birds have now past the rabbit.
The bees are really speeding up and the birds are really fast so are the bees. and the bull is at the back they are all moving fast they are so fast. they are almost there the bees are there and drinking.
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